Monday, February 3, 2014

Animal Farm by George Orwell

I recently finished reading Animal Farm. I started it because we are currently reading Nineteen Eighty Four in class. 

The story of this book takes place in an imaginary farm in England. Both the time period and place are very  vague, so as to allow a bit of freedom as to when this story could have happened. This book s written from the point of view of the animals on this farm. It tries to show how even good intentions can lead someone on to become power hungry, and a dictator. 

The book starts off with the animals rebelling agains their owner, mr. Jones. Since this is their revolution, they have put the smartest animals in charge : the pigs. The animals come up with seven commandments that all animals on the farm should follow, and everything goes smoothly. 

However, it is not ment to last. After a couple of years of their happiness, the pigs start to gain more and more control, turning people against each other, and slightly hanging, and bending the rules, until everything is in complete turmoil. 

I really liked this book because it was a quick read, but very interesting. It is believed that the main theme of this book is the Russian Revolution, however, no one can be sure. If you have studied history, you can clearly notice where the author is making comparisons between the Russian Revolution and the workings of Animal Farm. 

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