Monday, June 17, 2013

Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina, a novel by Leo Tolstoy is a classic that most girls must read at some point. For those that have no seen the movie or read the book, there are quite a few spoilers here.

Leo Tolstoy, born on September 9, 1828 in Russia is known for this novel and of course many other works such as The Death of Ivan Ilyich is a classic writer that many people for his flawless works and style of writing.

The book is created around two protagonists, the main ones, Anna Karenina and Konstantin Levin. However, personally, I prefer the moments where Anna appears, with her posh 19th century Russian style, her views and opinions on the aristocracy in Russia.  Her thoughts, her problems are always a knot that as a reader I found very intriguing to unravel. Anna also enjoys reading amongst most things, and loves her son very much.

The book begins with Alexey Alexandrovitch Karenin also known as Stiva, a Minister of State, waking up on his couch after having a dreadful fight with his wife,  Anna Arkadyevna Karenin, or Dolly, that found out about his affair with the governess of the house, a young french girl.

Anna is called by her brother to his house in Moscow, to solve the problem, and try to convince Dolly that what he did was of course terrible, however, he loves her, and he cannot go through life without her.

With a series of events we encounter the very-good-looking soldier, Count Alexey Krillovitch Vronsky, a young man that was the suitor of a rich girl nicknamed Kitty. Kitty truly believed that she would be getting married to Count Vronsky, however, the Count had his eyes on someone else while he was dancing with Kitty, his eyes were following Anna, wherever she went.

I will not continue spoiling the book, however, it is a classic worth reading.

In my opinion, the book shows an idea of family, and what could happen with the tightest of marriages, the deceit, the lies, the passion and yet also the love that crosses through each of them. No matter what, there is a reminder of how important family is, of how it is each person's duty to do what is best for the family. That is why this book is so mesmerising, the twists and turns, the problems encountered by each character, the way that the main characters are ripped between what they want and what they have to do.

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