Friday, March 1, 2013

Three for One by Anastasia Catsiapis

Three for One by Anastasia review

            This story is a mystery story full of suspense. I like the way that she created mystery by using very descriptive adjectives and short sentences to create suspense. Also, further along the story when the detective is hesitating. I like how she formatted the dialogue and also how she had a scene where he talked to himself before going to the bridge. She used rhetorical questions to make the scene seem more realistic.
            Additionally, the way she used coincidence made the story more intriguing. As the story continued, I began to lose interest. All the “mysteries” were becoming so predictable. Also, the story began to lose significance. Additionally, I believe that the story begins to go a bit off track. She loses sight that the story was based on finding the thing that the villain wants. I think that she gets a little too caught up in the adventures.
            I like how she concentrated on the romance too. It reminded me of a Bond scenario. Lastly, the ending seemed so rushed and forced. It would be better if she took the time to go through it and think about a stronger, more dynamic ending to the story.  

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