Friday, March 1, 2013


"Exposed" by Susan Vaught is a book that most girls should read, especially the ones that have been taught by their parents the dangers of the internet and have not been following them. Either that, or they are simply curious, so curious that they forget the golden rules and the dark dangers of the internet. After this book and the movie "Trust" it has really made me understand in a different perspective the dangers of public chatrooms, the internet and simple social networks.

With main character Chan Shealy, which is an extraordinary student, with straight A's and working her way to her shot at the regional majorette (cheerleader) championships in the art of baton twirling. 

Her entire perfect image of the sweet, hard-working girl comes tumbling down to peaces after one of the football team's quarterback spreads a rumour, (which is a complete lie) and the people in her school begin to reject her, and find her repulsive. 

Chan then begins believing that the only place anyone will love her is the internet. She begins to search for a boyfriend online. Chan respects each and every rule that her parents set out for her. Yet, even as she does follow these rules she falls pray to trusting herself and ignoring her gut that had been warning her all along.

Personally I found that Chan was a very annoying character, one character that you very violently wanted to shake every time she made a stupid decision, (and that happened quite often). Chan was portrayed perfectly by the author as the typical teenager that wishes to explore things, and probe past the boundaries set by her parents. Of course, she makes certain decisions, which are realistic, and of course she makes other decisions that she does not really think through.

Chan falls prey to Paul, a pedophile with different interests. Paul made her do things that most girls are generally very uncomfortable with. Chan believes that she can full trust him, and that since they talked so much, he really is a trustworthy person. 

The one thing that is amazing about the book is that it has a very good moral, and that it teaches many girls that have very uptight parents like Chan's to make sure that they actually follow what their parents say, because all they want is for you to be safe. The message is given throughout the entire book and its descriptions even if it was not an engaging read.

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