Thursday, January 16, 2014

Looking For Alaska - John Green

Looking For Alaska by John Green is a book that portrays teenage life in depth, it passes through the emotional processes of a teenager, the adventures, the common problems and how many teenagers feel while they are going through the high school experience.

We dive into the book by being introduced to Miles Halter, a teenage boy that did not really have a wonderful middle school experience and cannot wait to go to Culver Creek Highschool; a boarding school that his father previously went to. Miles has an interesting 'hobby' so to say, he loves reading biographies and knowing people's last words before death, he has memorised hundreds of last words. I believe that Miles has a sort of fascination with the reality of death, and how people truly show who they are in the end.
His parents wanted to organise a goodbye party for him as he was preparing to leave Florida, however, only two people showed up, making the even awkward, hence, making his parents wonder if Miles was leaving due to social anxiety, or depression.
After the two people departed, his parents asked him why he wanted to leave, Miles returned with a book by Joe Meno, where he hi lighted that the character was in search for his great perhaps. That was what Miles was looking for, his own Great Perhaps, and that was why Miles Halter was moving from Florida to Culver Creek, Alabama, he wanted to escape his terrible, lonely life in Florida, and have a new beginning.

As Miles sets up his room, he meets his roommate Chip Martin, nicknamed the Colonel; he is an arrogant, very intelligent, yet stocky teenager that is a naturally born leader, always ready to stand up for his friends. The Colonel drags along Miles to buy cigarettes from Alaska, a beautiful, curvy-bodied girl, that loves books, smokes, drinks and enjoys being a rebel. Takumi, their friend is another person that Miles begins to get along with. Miles begins to enjoy the presence of his new friends. However, one night, while Miles was sleeping in his boxers, a group of boys came and took Miles to the pond, taped him, and then taped his mouth.
This was meant to be the initiation, a new kid simply had to be thrown in the pond, but this was a sort of revenge against the Colonel, which the "Weekday Warriors" (or the rich children of the school) blamed the Colonel for two of their friends being kicked out. One of them being Alaska's roommate.

Miles is a very skinny guy, however, the Colonel devises a nickname that is the complete opposite of how he looks; Pudge.

Now, the story continues with Miles discovering the different lives of teenagers, starts seeing the differences between all the students, the deep and interesting notions of Religion Studies, and soon enough he begins falling in love with Alaska. Of course, he thinks that he's the only one, yet Alaska is such a bubbly character, that believes in strong meanings and reading, a massive chain smoker that enjoys her wine.

Out of all the characters, you fall in love with Alaska, because she seems to understand everyone, in a way that everyone wanted to be understood, and they loved it. She has an uncanny knack of doing pranks with the Colonel and Takumi, and Miles soon joins in on them. However, despite all the things that most people would consider negative, she is a really smart girl, that 'tutored' people in McDonalds on how to pass their Calculus tests, and they always did.

The book is the one that started off John Green's fame, of course, these are not all books for guys, however, most people I know that have read his books have found themselves in one of the characters no matter what. It's impossible not to fall in love with Green's intelligent, complex and detailed writing that displays well studied and well thought-of characters. I love his books even if i was never a fan of cheesy little romances, but Green manages to create and destroy romances fast enough for you to feel the pain of the separation yourself. (Spoiler Sorry)

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