Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Hobbit

The Hobbit, written by J. R. R Tolkein, is the beginning of the Lord Of the Rings trilogy. The protagonist is Bilbo Baggins who is a hobbit, a mythical version of a man. The story focuses on his adventure with others who are in search of a treasure guarded by a dragon. This fantasy centers on the hardships of the journey and obstacles that are thrown in the paths of the travelers.
Not only is the story itself intriguing, but it is the writing that is most exceptional in this novel. The author leads this tale with such description and detail that the chapters became scenes in my head as I read. The Hobbit is not a very easy book to read because it can be dense in parts. However, I would recommend anyone in our class to read this book; especially those interested in fantasy and adventure. After reading The Hobbit, I felt that I had a better understanding of writing descriptive and imaginative scenes. This book provides an entertaining story as well as beautiful writing.
Beatrice de Vaulx

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