Saturday, November 3, 2012

Doctor Fisher of Geneva


For my english book this term I wanted to read something slightly different, a book which I have posted about before, 1984 was on my list, however the library had already signed it out.
I found a book, by the author Graham Greene, names Doctor Fischer of Geneva or the Party Bomb.  
I started reading it this thursday, and since then I cannot put it down. It is about a man in his late 40s / early 50s, how falls in love with Doctor Fishers daughter, Anna-Luise. She loves fall in love likewise and they get married. However Anna-Luises father shows so little interest, nonetheless, Jones (the main character), seems to feel it would be a good idea at least to tell Doctor Fischer about the marriage. Doctor Fischer does not care the slightest bit. But that would be too perfect to be true. Jones receives a letter from Anna-luises father, saying that he was invited to the, famous, private, well known parties which Doctor Fischer holds.
When Jones arrives, he notices how badly Doctor Fischer treats his guests, and how the rich, always want to be given more. The guests would receive presents if they did what was told, e.g. eat some digesting, cold porridge, and say what Doctor Fischer wanted. Those who hath, shall be given was a quote in the book, describing the greed of the rich.
This book is great, I love the way its written, and a slight detail, which makes the book more enjoyable is the short chapters (just a personal preference). It gives you a lot to reflect on, and as I am in one of the most expensive, yet extraordinary schools in the world, I can relate.

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