Thursday, May 16, 2013

Freedom of Imagination

In the past weeks I have finish a number of truly great book some of them being: Sea Wolf, SteppenWolf, Life of an Unknown Man (which was sublime!), Venture to the Interior ( Laurens Van der Post), Out of Africa, Shadows on the Grass and Senior Vivo and the Cacao Lord ( truly excruciating!!). I was very happy with the encounter of these books, and have just recently picked up quite a few new ones including: Shadow of the Sun, Birds without Wings ( great book so far ), Ishmael (a recommendation of a friends ... not too found of it yet), and lastly Winds, Sand and Stars (of the author of Le Petite Prince).
This term, I have been reading more than ever, I guess it is because sometimes my thoughts just get too much, and books allow me not to think about them, as frankly, they do not matter. All that matters is what is said in the book. There is no why or how in the world of books, it just happens, and that is what is simply so amazing; the freedom of imagination!

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