Monday, February 25, 2013

A Stolen Life - A Memoir

This memoir is written by Jaycee Dugard. She narrates her memories and experiences of her 11-year-old to 29-year-old self. Between every chapter she also includes her present day reflections on the events which had occurred. It is astonishing how vivid she stills remembers these shocking memories. From the first day to the last, for eighteen years, Jaycee Dugard had lived with fear and injustice.

This memoir is written by Jaycee Dugard. She narrates from her 11-year-old self through 18 traumatic years of her life. Between each chapter, she includes a chapter of her reflection of each occasion in the previous chapter. She is now a 32-year-old woman with her two children she had with her sexual assaulter.

This is a moving book that touches the hearts of a lot of people. Her bold feelings are expressed without a doubt. As you read, you can feel how she felt. As she described how frightened or enraged or any kind of emotion she had, she somehow manages to communicate right through the book.

In the book, it seemed as if she had already stopped searching for who she really was. The monstrous abductors, Philip and Nancy Garrido, trusted her so much that she could even go out the house by herself. Yet even so, she did not attempt to escape or cry for help. She had felt as if she was completely lost and forgotten in the eyes of society.

This is an incredibly moving and fearless memoir.


This unique novel is written by Emma Donoghue. It is an remarkable story written about the life of 5-year-old Jack. He and his Ma was caged in their own 'world'. Jack had been born in Room, Room was his world, he has no friends except for the furniture of Room.
This brilliantly creative book portrays the view of a boy who thought it was normal to be living in a tiny room. It shows the innocence and naiveness of Jack, how he could appreciate the scarce food they receive and the small details of affection given to him by Ma. Even with all the entertainment Jack continues to discover, the duo is planning a method to escape. If they do make it out of Room, would Jack be able to comprehend the bizarre and esoteric world?

Friday, February 22, 2013

The City Of Bones By Michael Connelly

This is the eighth book in the murder mystery series written by Michael Connelly.
Hieronymous "Harry" Bosch is the main character in this book. He is a homicide detective who smokes a lot in Los Angeles. One day, he gets a phone call saying that an old doctor's dog found a bone in the woods. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem. However, this particular bone is the bone of a young boy, 12 years of age, who was physically abused in his early years, Arthur Delacroix, that has been buried 20 years beforehand.
This whole story revolves around finding the identity of this young boy and fining out what happened to him exactly.
After a long period of investigation, they find out that his sister, who claimed to know nothing, was sexually abused when she was younger by her father who had recently gotten divorced . She then took out all of her anger on her younger brother, Arthur.
The father knew all of this and so, when the police came knocking at his door, he confessed to everything, hoping he could protect his daughter. However, his lie was caught and the whole investigation had to start over to find out who perpetrated this crime.

Who could it have been and why did they do it?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

lie spotting by pamela meyer

Pamela Meyers is a professional in psychology to detect deception. she holds a MBA in Harvard and used her deception techniques she wrote a book on what to look out for in business and personal relationships. Also later in the book she lists different ways you can detect lies and get what you want with ten questions.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

On The Road by Jack Kerouac

On The Road is a novel by the american writer Jack Kerouac. 

The novel is based on the journeys of Jerouac and his friends as they traveled around America. The protagonist is a young and reckless man, Dean Moriarty. Dean and his friends experience the carefree way of life finding pleasure in sex, drugs and jazz. 
The main scenes in the novel take place in a Virginia small-town diner, a jazz-joint in New York and a Mexican whore-house. The characters are strange and eccentric.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Silence of the Rain

The Silence of the Rain is a mystery novel that takes place in Rio de Janiero, Brazil. It is written by Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza. I was very intrigued by this book because throughout the book, the narrator is narrated in a different person - at the beginning, it is narrated in third person, and then we get to see what Inspector Espinosa is thinking, and it is changed to first person. Frankly, I am not a huge fan of mystery books, but this one really interested me.

The book starts with Corporate Ricardo Carvalho found murdered in a parking garage in his car empty handed. Inspector Espinosa is called in to investigate. Through the book, more people are murdered and obvious clues lead to the suspects.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

?... The Holy Bible?

Reading has been my main occupation during my free-time this term. I have picked up a lot of 'controversial books' from the library that both interest me, thrill me and frighten me.
My list of books is rather long, however when I see a book that catches my eye I just have to pick it up! Once I really get into a book it is rather dangerous, for myself and others surrounding me!
The theme of religion has really had an impact on my thinking lately. I find it fascinating how books have changed the world and peoples perspective.
The books are;
The Thinker's Guide To Evil (an introduction of the mentality and anatomy of evilness and its origins)
In Defence of Atheism, The case against Christianity, Judaism and Islam
... and last however not least,
The Holy Bible (New Scofield Reference Edition)
The reason why I picked up the bible is because it is completely perplexing. Tangible fascination. A bittersweet flavor to my eyes. It may not be a traditional english reading book. But it is indeed something! I want to know and understand how such a object can control peoples minds and actions. Christinaity however is not the only thing I am interested in, I also want to know more about Judaism and Islam.

Other books that I have on my hands right now are
Grand Central Winter
The Heart of The Matter
Animal Farm ...(hooked!)