Monday, October 15, 2012

The meaning of things

I think that this title "Applying Philosophy to Life" is one that suits this book quite well. This book helps us understand many things about life. This book also gives us definitions such as a definition of the word Betrayal, that there can be no betrayal without pre-existing trust.
This book helps us apply a philosophical point of view to life.
I found this book very helpful and very interesting to read. This book, however, had some very difficult passages to comprehend but if we stick to it long enough, we can grasp the knowledge that A C Grayling is trying to express.This book took me a while to get through and it is still unfinished but that is the beauty of this book, the fact that you do not have to read the little chapters in any order whatsoever, you just have to read what interests you and what you feel like reading.
Overall, if you enjoy reading about philosophy and actually having to think about the content, then this is a very good book.

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