Thursday, September 13, 2012

Anna Karenina

At the moment I am reading two books, Life of Pi by Yann Martel and Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina.  I am more focused on reading Anna Karenina because the writing is more complex and difficult to understand, the book is a lot longer than Life of Pi, the book is absolutely magnificent and because I have to return it to the library as soon as possible.

Anyways, Anna Karenina is a very interesting and beautiful book. Anna Karenina is a beautiful, wealthy and popular woman. She has a very important husband and an adored son. Anna has everything a woman could have possibly wanted in the time that this book is set but, she still feels empty. Until she meets Officer Count Vronsky. Their following affair outrages the Russian society and brings jealousy and resentment to both Anna and the Count's families. The book also tells an intense story of love and recklessness of Konstantin Dmitrich Levin. Levin tries to find happiness and a meaning to his life. Its an amazing book (so far).

I've only just started the Life of Pi (maybe 2 pages?) and I don't plan on continuing to read it until I'm finished with Anna Karenina. To be honest, I know practically nothing about this book except the information that the blurb gives me. I'll post more about the Life of Pi after I've read more of it.

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